P-51 Mustang fighter airplane silk tie in midnight

P-51 Mustang fighter airplane silk tie in midnight

The Mustang, capable of performing well about 15,000 feet, was a direct answer to the Luftwaffe’s fighters. It saw combat in almost all the theaters of World War II, including Western Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Pacific. By the advent of the Korean War, the Mustang was the UN’s main fighter, and remained in service around the world until the 1980s despite the rising popularity of jet fighters.

All of our ties are cut from luxurious 100% silk with a pure wool interlining. The design is woven into the fabric to ensure that it stays crisp and lustrous for years to come.

59in length. Limited edition.

All designs are works of art created by designer Christina Cheng New York. Limited edition.


All of our ties are cut from luxurious 100% silk with a pure wool interlining. The design is woven into the fabric to ensure that it stays crisp and lustrous for years to come.

59in length. Limited edition.

All designs are works of art created by designer Christina Cheng New York. Limited edition.

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